solution: cpan not working ... 'Undefined subroutine &Compress::Zlib::gzopen called ..'

I had the same trouble on another distro -- the solution (for me) was to delete all the Compress::Zlib files (or at least files under my perl installation containing the word "Compress" or "Zlib") and just restart CPAN and install what I needed. That way, a fresh Compress::Zlib (and whatever else I deleted) was downloaded from CPAN and installed.

I found the hint at and finaly reinstalled Cmpress::Zlib from CPAN after these lines.

# cpan
cpan> look Scalar::Util
# perl Makefile.PL -xs
# make test
# make install

or, you can download it from .

# wget
# tar xzvf Scalar-*
# cd Scalar*
# perl Makefile.PL -xs
# make
# make test
# make install

or so. It's the same thing.