Leopard's TimeMachine with iSCSI on CentOS5

I tried with these articles (LANG=ja_JP). thx!

I got the lines below on /var/log/messages when I used the iSCSI disk formatted with Case-Sensitive HFS+ journaling.

Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: scsi_cmnd_start(1011) Unsupported 5a
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: cmnd_skip_pdu(454) 1b 1c 5a 0
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: scsi_cmnd_start(1011) Unsupported 5a
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: cmnd_skip_pdu(454) 1c 1c 5a 0

so formatted it again with normal HFS+ journaling. it may be ok.
As you know, the first backup writes whole items on your disk (or what you want to backup), It's obviously better to do it with wired LAN. I tried with AirPort but didn't finish:P After that, It's OK with wi-fi.

update (2008-01-04)

Oops! I missed this!

defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

Now you can use SMB or NFS or other types of disks. Is this FAQ?

update (2007-01-05)

I gave up with iSCSI, because I got these errors again while finishing backup.

Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: scsi_cmnd_start(1011) Unsupported 5a
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: cmnd_skip_pdu(454) 1b 1c 5a 0
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: scsi_cmnd_start(1011) Unsupported 5a
Jan  4 18:10:36 claudia kernel: cmnd_skip_pdu(454) 1c 1c 5a 0

next, tried to switch to NFS.

danjou$ defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

and configured /etc/exports on CentOS as below.

/exports/timemachine *.local(rw,sync,insecure)

You can find nfs volume on your Time Machine preference. But I couldn't choose it.

finally, switched to SMB. I don't know why but it works very well. smb.conf is like this, as usual.

    comment = time machine area
    path = /exports/timemachine
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    printable = no