
9.6 Overwrite Header

   Overwrite = "Overwrite" ":" ("T" | "F")

   The Overwrite header specifies whether the server should overwrite
   the state of a non-null destination resource during a COPY or MOVE.
   A value of "F" states that the server must not perform the COPY or
   MOVE operation if the state of the destination resource is non-null.
   If the overwrite header is not included in a COPY or MOVE request
   then the resource MUST treat the request as if it has an overwrite
   header of value "T". While the Overwrite header appears to duplicate
   the functionality of the If-Match: * header of HTTP/1.1, If-Match
   applies only to the Request-URI, and not to the Destination of a COPY
   or MOVE.
